Faculty Staffs

Currently, the majority of newly approved drugs are high-molecular drugs such as antibodies. In addition, there has been an increase in the number of approvals in the past few years for nucleic acid drugs classified as medium molecules, nucleic acid drugs using DDS, and cells such as CAR-T cells. New modalities that are different from the conventional ones are increasing and are expected to be developed more and more in the future.
Hatakeyama was engaged in DDS development research for anti-cancer drugs and nucleic acid drugs using liposomes while at the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University supervised by Prof. Hideyoshi Harashima, and also engaged in hyperthermia using metal nanoparticles and biological research using transcriptomics and proteomics information while at MD Anderson Cancer Center. I was also involved in biological research using transcriptomics and proteomics information. Since arriving at Chiba University, I have been conducting research on the analysis of pharmacodynamics, kinetics, and toxicity of antibody drugs, with a focus on immune checkpoint inhibitors.
Based on my experience in various research fields, I would like to deepen my understanding of new modalities in the Hatakeyama Group through research that focuses on clinical issues, and to train students who have strengths in the research and development of drug discovery in these fields. Taking advantage of the unique characteristics of our laboratory, we are also promoting analysis using statistics and machine learning, and the integration of wet and dry methods using data obtained from experiments.
Ph.D. degree is becoming an essential qualification for research in Europe, the U.S., and Asia. Research and development in drug discovery is also becoming globalized, and the need for a Ph.D.. Two papers where Hatakeyama has authored as first author (Hatakeyama H, et al. Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 2011, Hatakeyama et al. Biol Pharm Bull, 2013) have been evaluated as top 1% cited articles in the field of Pharmacology & Toxicology in the world by “Web of Science”. The average of impact factor of my papers is currently above 6. In addition to conducting world-class research, we will continue to promote research and education with the aim of fostering researchers who can play an active role in the world. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in the research in our laboratory.
2003 Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University, BS
2005 Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University, Master (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
2008 Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University, Ph.D. (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
2008 Assistant Professor, The Laboratory for Molecular Design of Pharmaceutics, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University
2009 Special-appointment Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Innovative Nanomedicine, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University
2013 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research Abroad
2013 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Sood Lab, Department of Gynecologic Oncology and Reproductive Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
2016 Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University
2019 Associate Professor, Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University
2021 Professor, Laboratory of DDS Design and Drug Disposition, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University
2023, Sep. The Young Investigator Award, The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX)
2020, May The Young Investigator Award, The Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Japan (APSTJ)
2019, July Best Poster Award, Clinical Pharmacy Symposium 2019
2018, July KJYSP Chair’s Selection Award, The 2nd Workshop for Korea-Japan Young Scientists on Pharmaceutics
2017, July The Young Investigator Award, the Japan Society of Drug Delivery System
2017, March The Young Investigator Award, the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
2016, Dec. Outstanding Reviewer in International Journal of Pharmaceutics (Elsevier)
2016, Dec. Outstanding Reviewer in Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (Elsevier)
2016, Dec. Outstanding Reviewer in Journal of Controlled Release (Elsevier)
2014, Nov. Outstanding Reviewer in Journal of Controlled Release (Elsevier)
2011, Jan. Top reviewer in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2010 (Elsevier)
2008, July The Young Investigator Award、Liposome Research Days Conference 2008
2005, May Travel Grant for Doctoral Course Students, Clark Memorial Foundation
2004, May PSWC 2004 Student Travel grant
Original Articles
- Hatakeyama H, Akita H, Maruyama K, Suhara T, Harashima H. Factor governing the in vivo tissue uptake of transferring coupled polyethylene glycol liposomes in vivo. Int. J. Pharm., 281: 25-33 (2004)
- Hatakeyama H, Akita H, Kogure K, Oishi M, Nagasaki Y, Kihira Y, Ueno M, Kobayashi H, Kikuchi H, Harashima H. Development of a novel systemic gene delivery system for cancer therapy with a tumor-specific cleavable PEG-lipid. Gene Ther., 14: 68-77 (2007)
- Hatakeyama H, Akita H, Ishida E, Hashimoto K, Kobayashi H, Aoki T, Yasuda J, Obata K, Kikuchi H, Ishida T, Kiwada H, Harashima H. Tumor targeting of doxorubicin by anti-MT1-MMP antibody-modified PEG liposomes. Int. J. Pharm., 342: 194-200 (2007)
- Sakurai Y, Hatakeyama H, Akita H, Oishi M, Nagasaki Y, Futaki S, Harashima H. Efficient siRNA delivery to tumor cells using the combination of octaarginine, GALA and tumor-specific, cleavable PEG system. Biol. Pharm. Bull., 32(5): 928-932 (2009)
- Hatakeyama H, Ito E, Akita H, Oishi M, Nagasaki Y, Futaki S, Harashima H. A pH-sensitive fusogenic peptide facilitates endosomal escape and greatly enhances the gene silencing of siRNA-containing nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo. J. Control. Release, 139(2): 127-132 (2009)
- Sato Y, Hatakeyama H, Harashima H. Ornithine and tryptophan analogs as efficient polycations for siRNA delivery to tumor cells. Biol. Pharm. Bull., 33(7):1246-1249 (2010)
- Takara K, Hatakeyama H, Ohga N, Hida K, Harashima H. Design of a dual-ligand system using a specific ligand and cell penetrating peptide, resulting in a synergistic effect on selectivity and cellular uptake. Int. J. Pharm., 396(1-2): 143-148 (2010)
- Hatakeyama H, Ito E, Yamamoto M, Akita H, Hayashi Y, Kajimoto K, Kaji N, Baba Y, Harashima H. A DNA microarray-based analysis of the host response to a non-viral gene carrier: a strategy for improving the immune response. Mol. Ther., 19(8): 1487-1498 (2011)
- Hatakeyama H, Akita H, Ito E, Hayashi Y, Oishi M, Nagasaki Y, Danev R, Nagayama K, Kaji N, Kikuchi H, Baba Y, Harashima H. Systemic delivery of siRNA to tumors using a lipid nanoparticle containing a tumor-specific cleavable PEG-lipid. Biomaterials, 32: 4306-4316 (2011)
- Kibria G, Hatakeyama H, Harashima H. A new peptide motif present in the protective antigen of anthrax toxin exerts its efficiency on the cellular uptake of liposomes and applications for a dual-ligand system. Int. J. Pharm., 412: 106-114 (2011)
- Kibria G, Hatakeyama H, Ohga N, Hida K, Harashima H. Dual-ligand modification of PEGylated liposomes shows better cell selectivity and efficient gene delivery. J. Control. Release, 153: 141-148 (2011)
- Sakurai Y*, Hatakeyama H*, Sato Y, Akita H, Takayama K, Kobayashi S, Futaki S, Harashima H. Endosomal Escape and the Knockdown Efficiency of Liposomal-siRNA by the Fusogenic Peptide shGALA. Biomaterials, 32: 5733-5742 (2011) *Equally contributed
- Abe N, Abe H, Nagai C, Harada M, Hatakeyama H, Harashima H, Ohshiro T, Nishihara M, Furukawa K, Maeda M, Tsuneda S, Ito Y. Synthesis, structure, and biological activity of dumbbell-shaped nanocircular RNAs for RNA interference. Bioconjug. Chem., 19: 2082-2092 (2011)
- Takahashi M, Nagai C, Hatakeyama H, Minakawa N, Harashima H, Matsuda A. Intracellular stability of 2’-OMe-4’-thioribonucleoside modified siRNA leads to long-term RNAi effect. Nucleic Acids Res., 40(12): 5787-5793 (2012).
- Takara K*, Hatakeyama H*, Kibria G, Ohga N, Hida K, Harashima H. Size-controlled, dual-ligand modified liposomes that target the tumor vasculature show promise for use in drug-resistant cancer therapy. J. Control. Release, 161(1): 225-232 (2012). *Equally contributed
- Sato Y, Hatakeyama H, Sakurai Y, Hyodo M, Akita H, Harashima H. A pH-sensitive cationic lipid facilitates the delivery of liposomal siRNA and gene silencing activity in vitro and in vivo. J. Control. Release, 163: 267-276 (2012).
- Akita H, Ishiba R, Hatakeyama H, Tanaka H, Sato Y, Tange K, Arai M, Kubo K, Harashima H. A neutral envelope-type nanoparticle containing pH-responsive and SS-cleavable lipid-like materials as a carrier for plasmid DNA. Adv. Healthc. Mater., 2(8): 1120-1125 (2013).
- Sakurai Y, Hatakeyama H, Sato Y, Hyodo M, Akita H, Harashima H. Gene silencing via RNAi and siRNA quantification in tumor tissue using MEND, a liposomal siRNA delivery system. Mol. Ther., 21(6): 1195-1203 (2013)
- Kibria G, Hatakeyama H, Ohga N, Hida K, Harashima H. The effect of liposomal size on the targeted delivery of doxorubicin to Integrin (alpha)v(beta)3-expressing tumor endothelial cells. Biomaterials, 34(22): 5617-5627 (2013)
- Kusumoto, K, Akita H, Ishitsuka T, Matsumoto Y, Nomoto T, Furukawa R, El-Sayed A, Hatakeyama H, Kajimoto K, Yamada Y, Kataoka K, Harashima H. A Lipid Envelop-type Nano Particle Incorporating a Multifunctional Peptide: GALA for the Systemic siRNA Delivery to the Pulmonary Endothelium. ACS Nano, 7(9): 7534-7541 (2013)
- Takahashi M, Yamada N, Hatakeyama H, Murata M, Sato Y, Minakawa N, Harashima H, Matsuda A. In vitro optimization of 2’-OMe-4’-thioribonucleoside modified anti-microRNA oligonucleotides (AMOs) and its targeting delivery to mouse liver using a liposomal nanoparticle. Nucleic Acids Res., 41(22): 10659-10667 (2013)
- Sakura Y, Hatakeyama H, Sato Y, Akita H, Ohga N, Hida K, Harashima H. RNAi-mediated gene knockdown and anti-angiogenic therapy of RCCs using a cyclic RGDmodified liposomal-siRNA system. J. Control. Release, 173: 110-118 (2014)
- Hatakeyama H, Murata M, Sato Y, Takahashi M, Minakawa N, Matsuda A, Harashima H. The systemic administration of an anti-miRNA oligonucleotide encapsulated pH-sensitive liposome results in reduced level of hepatic microRNA-122 in mice. J. Control. Release, 173: 43-50 (2014)
- Wu SY, Yang X, Gharpure KM, Hatakeyama H, Egli M, McGuire MH, Nagaraja AS, Miyake TM, Rupaimoole R, Pecot CV, Taylor M, Pradeep S, Sierant M, Rodriguez-Aguayo C, Choi HJ, Previs RA, Armaiz-Pena GN, Huang L, Martinez C, Hassell T, Ivan C, Sehgal V, Singhania R, Han HD, Su C, Kim JH, Dalton HJ, Kovvali C, Keyomarsi K, McMillan NA, Overwijk WW, Liu J, Lee JS, Baggerly KA, Lopez-Berestein G, Ram PT, Nawrot B, Sood AK. 2'-OMe-phosphorodithioate modified siRNAs show increased loading into the RISC complex and enhanced anti-tumour activity. Nat. Commun., 5, 3459 (2014)
- Tamaru M, Akita H, Kajimoto K, Sato Y, Hatakeyama H, Harashima H. An apolipoprotein E modified liposomal nanoparticle: Ligand dependent efficiency as a siRNA delivery carrier for mouse-derived brain endothelial cells. Int. J. Pharm., 465(1-2): 77-82 (2014)
- Hayashi Y, Suemitsu E, Kajimoto K, Sato Y, Akhter A, Sakurai Y, Hatakeyama H, Hyodo M, Kaji N, Baba Y, Harashima H. Hepatic Monoacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1 as a Promising Therapeutic Target for Steatosis, Obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes. Mol. Ther. Nucleic Acids, 3:e154 (2014)
- Watanabe T*, Hatakeyama H*, Matsuda-Yasui C*, Sato Y*, Sudoh M, Takagi A, Hirata Y, Ohtsuki T, Arai M, Inoue K, Harashima H, Kohara M. In vivo therapeutic potential of Dicer-hunting siRNAs targeting infectious hepatitis C virus. Sci. Rep., 4:4750 (2014) *Equally contributed
- Sakurai Y, Hatakeyama H, Akita H, Harashima H. Improvement of doxorubicin effect using liposomal anti-polo like kinase 1 siRNA in human renal cell carcinomas. Mol. Pharm., 11(8): 2713-2719 (2014)
- Ara MN, Matsuda T, Hyodo M, Sakurai Y, Hatakeyama H, Ohga N, Hida K, Harashima H. An aptamer ligand based liposomal nanocarrier system that targets tumor endothelial cells. Biomaterials, 35(25): 7110-7120 (2014)
- Tamaru M, Akita H, Nakatani T, Kajimoto K, Sato Y, Hatakeyama H, Harashima H. Application of apolipoprotein E modified liposomal nanoparticles as a carrier for delivering DNA and nucleic acid to the brain. Int. J. Nanomed., 9: 4267-4276 (2014)
- Kibria G, Hatakeyama H, Akiyama K, Hida K, Harashima H. Comparative study of the sensitivities of cancer cells to doxorubicin, and relationships between the effect of the drug-efflux pump P-gp. Biol. Pharm. Bull., 37(12): 1926-1935 (2014)
- Akita H, Ishiba R, Togashi R, Tange K, Nakai Y, Hatakeyama H, Harashima H. A neutral lipid envelope-type nanoparticle composed of a pH-activated and vitamin E-scaffold lipid-like material as a platform for a gene carrier targeting renal cell carcinoma. J. Control. Release, 200: 97-105 (2015)
- Akita H, Noguchi Y, Hatakeyama H, Sato Y, Tange K, Nakai Y, Harashima H. Molecular tuning of a vitamin E-scaffold pH-sensitive and reductive cleavable lipid-like material for accelerated in vivo hepatic siRNA delivery. ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 1(9): 834-844 (2015)
- Matsui H, Sato Y, Hatakeyama H, Akita H, Harashima H. Size-dependent specific targeting and efficient gene silencing in peritoneal macrophages using a pH-sensitive cationic liposomal siRNA carrier. Int. J. Pharm., 495(1): 171-178 (2015)
- Yamamoto N, Sato Y, Munakata T, Kakuni M, Tateno C, Sanada T, Hirata Y, Murakami S, Tanaka Y, Chayama K, Hatakeyama H, Hyodo M, Harashima H, Kohara M. Novel pH-sensitive multifunctional envelope-type nanodevice for siRNA-based treatments for chronic HBV infection. J. Hepatol., 64(3):547-555 (2016)
- Hatakeyama H, Wu SY, Mangala LS, Lopez-Berestein G, Sood AK. Assessment of In Vivo siRNA Delivery in Cancer Mouse Models. Methods Mol. Biol., 1402:189-197 (2016).
- Sato Y, Hatakeyama H, Hyodo M, Harashima H. Relationship between the Physicochemical Properties of Lipid Nanoparticles and the Quality of siRNA Delivery to Liver Cells. Mol Ther., 24(4):788-95 (2016)
- Warashina S, Nakamura T, Sato Y, Fujiwara Y, Hyodo M, Hatakeyama H, Harashima H. A lipid nanoparticles for the efficient delivery of siRNA to dendritic cells. J. Control. Release, 225:183-191 (2016)
- Wu SY, Rupaimoole R, Shen S, Pradeep S, Pecot CV, Ivan C, Nagaraja AS, Gharpure KM, Pham E, Hatakeyama H, McGuire MH, Haemmerle M, Vidal-Anaya V, Olsen C, Rodriguez-Aguayo C, Filant J, Ehsanipour EA, Herbrich SM, Maiti SN, Huang L, Kim JH, Zhang X, Han H-D, Armaiz-Pena GN, Seviour EG, Tucker S, Zhang M, Yang D, Cooper LJ, Ali-Fehmi R, Bar-Eli M, Lee JS, Ram PT, Baggerly KA, Lopez-Berestein G, Hung MC, Sood AK. A miR-192-EGR1-HOXB9 regulatory network controls the angiogenic switch in cancer. Nat. Commun., 7:11169 (2016).
- Kibria G, Hatakeyama H, Sato Y, Harashima H. Anti-Tumor Effect via Passive Anti-angiogenesis of PEGylated Liposomes Encapsulating Doxorubicin in Drug Resistant Tumors. Int. J. Pharm., 509(1-2):178-187 (2016)
- Huang Y, Lichtenberger LM, Taylor M, Bottsford-Miller JN, Haemmerle M, Wagner MJ, Lyons Y, Pradeep S, Hu W, Previs RA, Hansen JM, Fang D, Domiak PL, Filant J, Dial EJ, Shen F, Hatakeyama H, Sood AK. Anti-tumor and Anti-angiogenic Effects of Aspirin-PC in Ovarian Cancer. Mol. Cancer Ther., 15(12):2894-2904 (2016)
- Hatakeyama H, Wu SY, Lyons YA, Pradeep S, Wang W, Huan Q, Court KA, Liu T, Nie S, Rodríguez-Aguayo C, Shen F, Huang Y, Hisamatsu T, Mitamura T, Shim J, Dorniak PL, Lingegowda MS, Petrillo M, Petyuk VA, Schepmoes AA, Shukla AK, Torres-Lugo M, Lee JS, Rodland KD, Fagotti A, López-Berestein G, Li C, Sood AK. Role of CTGF in Sensitivity to Hyperthermia in Ovarian and Uterine Cancers. Cell Rep., 17(6):1621-1631 (2016)
- Court KA, Hatakeyama H, Wu SY, Lingegowda MS, Rodríguez-Aguayo C, López-Berestein G, Lee JS, Rinaldi C, Juan EJ, Sood AK, Torres-Lugo M. HSP70 inhibition synergistically enhances the effects of magnetic fluid hyperthermia in ovarian cancer. Mol. Cancer Ther., 16(5):966-976 (2017)
- Ando H, Hatakeyama H, Sato H, Hisaka A, Suzuki H. Determinants of intestinal availability for P-glycoprotein substrate drugs estimated by extensive simulation with mathematical absorption models. J. Pharm. Sci., 106(9): 2771-2779 (2017)
- Mitamura T, Pradeep S, McGuire M, Wu SY, Hatakeyama H, Ma S, Chen X, Lyons YA, Hisamatsu T, Noh K, Villar-Prados A, Ivan C, Rodriguez-Aguayo C, Hu W, Lopez-Berestein G, Coleman RL, and Sood AK. Induction of anti-VEGF therapy resistance by upregulated expression of microseminoprotein, prostate-associated. Oncogene, 37(6): 722-731 (2018)
- Hatakeyama H (Corresponding Author), Fujiwara T, Sato H, Terui A, Hisaka A. Investigation of metabolomic changes in sunitinib-resistant human renal carcinoma 786-O cells by capillary electrophoresis-time of flight mass spectrometry. Biol. Pharm. Bull., 41(4); 619-627 (2018)
- Yoshioka H, Sato H, Hatakeyama H, Hisaka A. Model-based meta-analysis to evaluate optimal doses of direct oral factor Xa inhibitors in atrial fibrillation patients, Blood Adv., 2(10): 1066-1075 (2018)
- Sato H, Uzu M, Kashiba T, Fujiwara T, Hatakeyama H, Koichi U, Hisaka A. Trichostatin A modulates cellular metabolism in renal cell carcinoma to enhance sunitinib sensitivity. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 847: 143-157 (2019)
- Kurino T, Matsuda R, Terui A, Suzuki H, Kokubo T, Uehara T, Arano Y, Hisaka A, Hatakeyama H (Corresponding Author). Poor outcome with anti-programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) antibody due to poor pharmacokinetic properties in PD-1/PD-L1 blockade-sensitive mouse models. J. ImmunoTher. Cancer, 8: e000400 (2020)
- Cao Q, Zhou M, Wang W, Shi S, Zhao J, Geng Ku, Huang Q, Wen X, Li F, Hatakeyama H, Xu C, Piwnica-Worms D, Peng W, Zhou D, Sood AK, Li C. Induction of Anti-tumor Immunity in Mice by the Combination of Nanoparticle-Based Photothermolysis and Anti-PD-1 Checkpoint Inhibition. Nanomedicine, 25: 102169 (2020)
- Tomizawa S, Tomari M, Tanaka A, Utsumi N, Sato H, Hatakeyama H, Hisaka A, Kohama T, Yamagata K, Honda T, Nakamura H, Murayama T. Inhibitory effects of ceramide kinase on Rac1 activation, lamellipodium formation, cell migration, and metastasis of A549 lung cancer cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1965(6): 158675 (2020)
- Hisaka A, Yoshioka H, Hatakeyama H, Sato H, Onouchi Y, Anzai N. Global comparison of changes in the number of test-positive cases and deaths by coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in the world. J. Clinical. Med., 9(6): 1904 (2020)
- Cho R, Sakurai Y, Jones HS, Akita H, Hisaka A, Hatakeyama H (Corresponding Author). Silencing of VEGFR2 by RGD modified lipid nanoparticle synergistically enhanced the efficacy of anti-PD-1 antibody by accelerating vascular normalization and infiltration of T cells in tumors. Cancers, 12, 3630 (2020)
- Kanamori T, Miyazaki N, Aoki S, Ito K, Hisaka A, Hatakeyama H (Corresponding Author). Investigation of energy metabolic dynamism in hyperthermia-resistant ovarian and uterine cancer cells under heat stress. Sci. Rep., 14726 (2021)
- Okawa T, Hara K, Goto M, Kiukuchi M, Kogane M, Hatakeyama H, Tanaka H, Shirane D, Akita H, Hisaka A, Sato H. Effect of cGAMP emitted from metastatic brain tumors on the metabolism of astrocytes in contact with tumors. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, 9028 (2021)
- Maishi N, Sakurai Y, Hatakeyama H, Umeyama Y, Nakamura T, Endo R, Alam MT, Li C, Annan DA, Kikuchi H, Morimoto H, Morimoto M, Akiyama K, Ohga N, Hida Y, Harashima H, Hida K. Novel antiangiogenic therapy targeting biglycan in tumor endothelial cells using liposomal-siRNA delivery system. Frontiers Cell and Developmental Biology, Cancer Sci., 113(5), 1855-1867 (2022)
- Nakamura T, Kawakami K, Nomura M, Sato Y, Hyodo M, Hatakeyama H, Hayakawa Y, Harashima H. Combined nano cancer immunotherapy based on immune status in a tumor microenvironment. J. Control. Release, 345, 200-213 (2022)
- Tanaka A, Honda T, Yasue M, Yamazaki R, Hatakeyama H, Hisaka A, Mashimo M, Kohama T, Nakamura H, Murayama T. Effects of ceramide kinase knockout on lipopolysaccharide-treated sepsis-model mice: Changes in serum cytokine/chemokine levels and increased lethality. J. Pharmacol. Sci., 150(1), 1-8 (2022)
- Yamamoto M*, Kurino* T, Matsuda R*, Jones HS, Nakamura Y, Tsuji AB, Sugyo A, Tsuda R, Matsumoto Y, Sakurai Y, Suzuki H, Sano M, Osada K, Uehara T, Ishii Y, Akita H, Arano Y, Hisaka H, Hatakeyama H (Corresponding Author). Delivery of aPD-L1 antibody to i.p. tumors via direct penetration by i.p. route: Beyond EPR effect, J. Control. Release, 352, 328-337 (2022) *Equally contributed
- Arai T*, Kokubo T*, Tang R, Abo H, Terui A, Hirakawa J, Akita H, Kawashima H, Hisaka A, Hatakeyama H (Corresponding Author). Tumor associated neutrophils and macrophages exacerbate anti-drug IgG mediated anaphylactic reaction against an immune checkpoint inhibitor, J. ImmunoTher. Cancer, 10:e005657 (2022) *Equally contributed
- Gomi M, Sakurai Y, Sato M, Tanaka H, Miyatake Y, Fujiwara K, Watanabe M, Shuto S, Nakai Y, Tange K, Hatakeyama H, Akita H. Delivering mRNA to Secondary Lymphoid Tissues by Phosphatidylserine-loaded Lipid Nanoparticles. Adv. Healthc. Mater., in press
- Doi M, Tanaka H, Ohoto T, Miura N, Sakurai Y, Hatakeyama H, Akita H. Reactivation of anti-cancer immunity by resetting inter-organ crosstalk of immune-suppressive cells with nano-particulated anti-inflammatory drug. Small, in press